Thanks to all of the 213 895 visitors, visting this site during 2023

And thanks to all of the 1 227 080 visitors, visting my webshop during 2023

Latest update 20 October 2024

Note: This site is frequently updated, so keep logging in, friends!

NEW Reviews for the profile book number 14 NEW


Today I started to deliver this my new Profile Book No 14 to pre-ordering customers


Please go to My new webshop

Or just contact me on e-mail:


The printing of Luftwaffe Fighters Profile Book No 14


Work in progress of my Luftwaffe Fighters book No 14


Check them out now by clicking on the different bookcovers!




Published on 18 June 2024

  To be published in July 2025

 To be published in October 2024

The three books that would be published during 2024/2025


Please note that the JG 52 book (the new Profile Book No 15) is put on hold, publishing hopefully during the summer of 2025.

As most of you already knows profile book No 16 No 17 iand 18 s also in the pipeline, with some 320 new profiles have made by date.

NEW Work in progress of my Experten Stories of JG 52 book No 15 NEW

Reviews for the profile book number 13

The printing of Luftwaffe Fighters Profile Book No 13


Here is it, my new Profile book No 13 delivered today from the printer

Work in progress of my Luftwaffe Fighters book No 13


NEW The new book is shipped to customers from 24 April NEW

Please go to My new webshop

Or just contact me on e-mail:


NEW The 2023 IMPS meeting in Malmö NEW













Photos from IMPS annual meeting of 2023

Please click on the photos for larger image

Photos from the annual IMPS C4-Open 2022

During the weekend of 29-30 October in Malmö/Sweden

Here you will find interesting photos from the competiotion, and a lot more!

NEW Reviews for the profile book number 12 NEW


The book is curreently shipped to customers

The printing of Luftwaffe Fighters Profile Book No 12

Ordering this book now!

Work in progress of my Luftwaffe Fighters book No 12

Please order it on My new webshop

Or contact me directly for order


Check them out now by clicking on the different bookcovers!


 Published on 24 April 2023 





 Published on 31 May 2022

 Published on 28 October 2021

 Published 0n 10 March 2021

 Published in 2020 





 Published in 2019

 Published in 2018

   Published in 2017

  Published in 2016 





 Published in 2016 

  Published in 2015

  Published in 2015

  Published in 2014





  Published in 2014

  Published in 2013  

  Published in 2013  

 Published in 2011 SOLD OUT! 


12 books is currently in stock and shipped to customers all over the world

To order, please check out My new webshop

Reviews for the profile book number 11

The book is currently shipped out to customers

Please order it on My new webshop

Work in progress of my Luftwaffe Fighters book No 11

The printing of Luftwaffe Fighters Profile Book No 11

Order this book now !

Reviews for the profile book number 10

The book is currently shipped out to customers

Please order it on My new webshop

Check out five pages from the new book

The printing of Luftwaffe Fighters Profile Book No 10

Work in progress of my Luftwaffe Fighters book No 10

Order this book now !

Ordering the Panzer book III

Please order on My new webshop

Order this book now !

Ordering the Pacific Fighters book

Please order on My new webshop

Order this book now !

Photos from another researchtrip up north in June 2022







More photos from my researchtrip up north







Wisiting the Swedish Tank Museum Arsenalen in Strängnäs and checking out the Königstiger, Tiger II.

Also wisiting the aircraft collection at my old hometown of Västerås,

checking out by others their Fw 190 A-8 (the copy Ludwig Nitsch fighter)

Please click on the photos for more information and a larger image!

Check out the C4-Open 2021 in Malmö, the annual Swedish IMPS meeting

Check out the C4-Open 2017 in Malmö, the annual Swedish IMPS meeting

Check out the C4-Open 2016 in Malmö, the annual Swedish IMPS meeting

21 years of profilemaking 1995-2016 Now and Then

Check out My German trip in 2016

Check out some Plastic Model Building in 2016

Check out the C4-Open 2015 in Malmö, the annual Swedish IMPS meeting

 "Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant"
 - this classic maxim by the famous WW I ace Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen was almost driven into absurdum by the young and ambitious fighter pilots of the Luftwaffe 1939-1945. Hence, the top layer among the German fighter pilots in the last World War amassed absolutely astonishing aerial victory tallies. Giving top priority to the number of shot down enemy aircraft, spurring them with an increasing system of military awards, and raising the top-scorers to the skies, the whole Third Reich apparatus managed to create what Russian aircraft constructor Alexander Yakovlev once called "horrible flying wolves" out of young and naive - and very talented - flight enthusiasts. Their like will never be seen in history again. I wish to portray some of them and their world on this site. It is not my intention to portray them as "heroes". It is just a matter of presenting a small part of 20th Century history - and a vital part of aviation history.

  Günther Rall

in Memoriam 

 Alfred Grislawski

in Memoriam

Walter Wolfrum 

in Memoriam 

 Günther Rosipal

in Memoriam 

 Important note:

  This web site is entirely dedicated to present an objective, historical view of a certain aspect of aviational history. It is not my intention to enter any political discussion on this subject in this forum. Due to the nature of the subject, I however wish to state that I strictly reject all Nazi ideals. Only when one bears in mind that the efforts of the German fighter pilots in WW II were for the benefit of one of the most evil system mankind has yet seen, is it possible to clearly picture the environment in which the above mentioned young fighter pilots struggled.

Now over 3,7 million visitors!

213 895 visitors in 2023

I would like to thank all the 885 354 visitors between 21 February 2013 to 31 December 2018

To this one should add another 1 243 665 visitors, visiting this website between October 1997 to May 3 2009.

Unfortunatly I have not any information regarding vistors visiting this website between the May 4 2009 and 20 February 2013.

I would appreciate any comments regarding this web site. Contact me att this e-mail address:

Unique Visitors

New counter since May 4 2009


This web site is constructed by Claes Sundin

© Claes Sundin 2024